Aerie Has Teamed up with Special Olympics for Their Global Week of Inclusion

(Photo by Andrew Buda and Alex Albeck for Aerie)

Aerie’s Iskra and Aly Raisman welcomed seven athletes from the Special Olympics to become apart of the #AerieREAL campaign. Aerie aims to be extremely inclusive with their brand. Instead of using just one type of model like some brands do, they have a variety of different models to showcase their clothing. Aerie makes it a point to show other women that it’s okay to not look like all the models they see in ads. There is no one way to be beautiful and Aerie does a great job showing us that. They also choose not to retouch their photos because our imperfections make us beautiful.

In the video, we get to meet the seven beautiful athletes (Emily, Jessica, Danielle, Chelsea, Hannah, Daijah and Kaitlyn) that are with Aerie models Iskra and Aly. While we get to see snippets of the girls in the shoot and doing their thing in front of the camera, Iskra also sits down with each one of the girls and asks them questions. Kaitlyn and Emily love to make new friends and this experience definitely brought some new friends into their lives.

Danielle, also known as Dee, has a special quote she shared with us, “The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” That is a quote we should all live by. Be sure to check out the video down below and check out their #AerieREAL campaign here.