The trailer for ‘Santa Clarita Diet’ Season 3 is Here


The trailer for season 3 of Santa Clarita Diet is bloodier while somehow also being more romantic than ever.I mean what could be more romantic than having a husband who is willing to help you kill Nazis and other various criminals in order to continue your zombie lifestyle? Exactly, nothing. In the new season of Santa Clarita Diet Sheila (Drew Barrymore) and Joel (Timothy Olyphant) are still trying to find a way to sustain Sheila’s “habit,” but this time around they are beginning to realize what Sheila’s new status truly means: she’s immortal. As though their lives weren’t hectic enough with the parenting, marriage, and not to mention the killing and zombie diet, Joel also has to decide whether or not he wants to become a zombie. So I guess we’ll have to wait and see if Joel lets Sheila bite him so they can spend the next “thousand or so years” together, no big deal.

Watch the trailer below to hold you over before the new season comes out on March 29.