Join Storm Reid for Bullying Prevention


Bullying is a huge problem that is affecting kids of all ages in school.

Storm Reid shared a video on her Instagram explaining the dangers of bullying. That is why the “A Wrinkle in Time,” joined BlueUp for a day dedicated to bullying prevention. The first step of bullying prevention is to teach our own kids to identify bullying and to stand up for the victim. Responding quickly shows the bully that their behavior is problematic.

In the post, Storm shares a story about what drives the Student Strong Organization. Boston Middle School student Kathleen was bullied by her schoolmates for many years and one day she was thrown and locked into a locker. Lydia a fellow classmate, saw what happened and called out the bully and demanded the bully to open the locker. Lydia is a great example of an upstander and she is what Storm describes to be “student strong.”

Join Storm for Stomp out bullying. Stomp Out Bullying is a nonprofit organization who is the leading national bullying and cyberbullying prevention organization for Kids and Teens in the U.S. The campaign raises awareness and challenges students to be upstanders in the face of bullies. You can be part of the campaign. On October 1, 2018, it is blue shirt day. This year the organization pledges to “to put the end to racism, hatred, homophobia, and digital abuse.”

You can join on the Stomp Out Bullying website.