38+ Migrant Children Won’t Be Reunited by Court’s Deadline


The Trump administration is learning very quickly that it’s easier to split up a family than to put one back together.

In an attempt to comply with a California judge’s court order to reunify all migrant children under the age of 5 with their parents by July 10th, the administration has, ironically, hit a wall.

The parents of 38 migrant children are nowhere to be found. More specifically, 19 were deported, and another 19 were set free in the US while their children were detained and sent to detention centers throughout the country.

This means that of the 100 or more children whose reunification was slated for July 10th, 38 are faced with real peril when it comes to finding their way back to their parents. That number may not seem all that large or significant, however, one must consider that there are still upwards of 2,900 additional migrant children who have been separated from their families at the US-Mexico border.

As of today, July 7th, 38% of the migrant children that the Trump administration is actively seeking to reunite with their parents are nearly hopeless. July 26th is the date that the California court mandated a return of all migrant children to their families. These numbers insist that the Department of Health and Human Services may need a miracle to fix what they’ve broken.