Middle School Gifts Students with Bulletproof Shields

(Unequal Technologies)

Many of us love to receive gifts from anyone, but what if this gift was something you didn’t think you would ever half to use?

At a Pennsylvania middle school, all the 8th graders were gifted at there graduation with something the school thought would prepare them for their next journey into high school. The students were given military-style bulletproof shields for their backpacks as a gift from their school. The school gave them some products called SafeShield which were made by Unequal Technologies, protective gear, and a sports gear company. The kids received a 20-ounce plate and 10-by-12-inch panel. The company’s president, Rob Vito, claims that shotguns are useless against a product like the SafeShields. He feels as though the most potent handguns the world has couldn’t go through his product. The product sadly doesn’t protect against semi-automatic rifles.

Is this what America has come to where middle schools feel as though to protect kids they need bulletproof shields? How would you feel if you were a parent and your child was gifted a bulletproof vest? At least it’s a step towards change and could hopefully change somethings.