How Social Media Destroys Your Body Image

We all have social media accounts where we follow celebs, travel accounts, and friends.

No matter how many times we have been told to not believe everything that we see online, it still has an effect on us. Everything that we see and hear changes the way that we view things. A huge problem is when girls see these unrealistic beauty standards online.

There are so many people surgically altering their bodies to get more likes online, and there was nothing wrong with them before they changed anything about themselves. People do not realize that even if they do know what they are seeing online is not real, it still makes them think that they need to look like that for people to like them. Changing what you look at and follow on social media will actually give you a better body image of yourself.

Instead of following Instagram models and drama blogs, follow fitness accounts that show you a healthy way of living and realistic fitness goals and other accounts of things that you like, such as traveling and dancing. Social media can destroy anyone’s body image by what they see. Just make sure what you are following has a positive influence in your life.