Group Date Ideas That You Will Love

Going on dates with the one you care about can be a really fun time.

Sometimes you want to go on a group date to switch things up. Going on dates one on one is very important to be able to learn about each other, but double dates or group dates help both of you socialize and see how each other acts with your friends. Here are a few group date ideas for your next night out.

Battle of the sexes- This one puts guys against girls for a game night. You get to learn which sex knows more about the other.

Scavenger hunt- This can be done around the house, neighborhood, or town. You just need to get creative with clue and challenges.

Mario cart- This is pretty self-explanatory but get the group together to battle it out in Mario Cart.

Cookout- Have everyone over and cook your favorite foods and chill by a fire.

Theme Park- Going to a theme park just as a couple is cool, but going with a group makes standing in line so much more enjoyable.