Never Go Thirsty on That Hike or Camping Trip with LIFESAVER LIBERTY Bottles

Now you can have clean water wherever life takes you.

LifeSaver water bottles are sleek and edgy and come in cool colors like rose gold and jet black. But guess what? They can actually save your life in a pinch when you don’t have access to clean water. Their bottles with filters turn dirty water into the cleanest, safest drinking water for hiking, camping, emergency packing, and backpacking.

LifeSaver will filter weak municipal water supplies, rainwater, water taken directly from lakes, rivers, ponds, and even muddy puddles, to allow you to make thousands of liters/gallons of clean safe water.

They are made with portable water filters that are pressurized with a hand pump. Their bottles filter bacteria to a minimum of Log 6 (99.9999%), Viruses to a minimum of Log 5 (99.999%) and Cysts to a minimum of Log 4 (99.99%).

This air pressure forces water through the pores of an ultrafiltration cartridge and out through the exit nozzle leaving microbiological contamination behind.

They come with ‘failsafe’ technology – which ensures that the bottle stops working when the filter needs to be changed, protecting you from harmful bacteria.

Now that is something to feel good about and leaves plenty of room for hiking, smores, and maybe more fun and adventure on any upcoming camping trip. Find out more on their website.