Simone Biles’ Brave Fight Against Sexual Abuse


Simone Biles recently took to Twitter to share her experience of being sexually abused by USA gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar.

Previously, the former Michigan State University gymnastics doctor plead guilty to molesting 10 girls as well as possessing child pornography. He was sentenced to 60 years in prison, and there have since been more than 130 girls and women stepping forward to share their terrible treatment.

Simone told her story on Twitter, in a humbling and sincere way that shows an infinite amount of her character. She tells us how not all parts of her life consist of being the energetic gymnast, and that she is disappointed with who she feels as though she can trust in the industry.

Simone, as well as the other women who have bravely spoken, are making a change in the way abuse is discussed, and therefore putting a stop to it being allowed to happen. It is inspiring to have individuals like Simone who are giving hope to other victims and leading that change.