California Weather Won’t Let Up


It seems like the weather in southern California just will not give residents a break.

The weather in California has always shown to be extreme. From major droughts to majors fires to now major rain and mudslides. Montecito has been evacuated.

There have been about 100 homes that have been taken by the mudslides along with cars. There have sadly been about 17 deaths reported and many more missing currently.

Rescue crews have been working to help get people out of the area. In some places, the water comes up to the roofs of some houses. This mudslide came quickly and unexpectedly after one of the biggest wildfires stripped the mountains of trees which helps in the ease of rocks and mud to come tumbling down to destroy houses.

Ellen DeGeneres on Twitter

This is the street in front of our house. I don’t know anything about our house yet. I’m heartbroken for our community of Montecito. I’m devastated for the families who lost loved ones. I’m grateful to all the rescue workers. Please send love to Montecito.

Residents were warned to evacuate, but it was not mandatory and many people did not see the danger in staying. Hopefully, things calm down soon and people who are currently missing are found safe. Follow the below links to help donate to the victims.

Jessica Piffero on Twitter

Joy and her owner were evacuated this morning due to landslides in the area. At the @RedCrossCoast shelter at SBCC, they have a safe place to wait out the storm. #CAStorm #ThomasFire #CAwx