Will and Jada Smith Celebrate 20 Years of Marriage


Will and Jada Smith have hit the 20-year milestone when it comes to their marriage.


Although Will and Jada have been married for 20 years, it is evident that they are still just as crazy about each other as the day they first met. Will gushed through Instagram, bragging about how much of queen Jada is to him and it is everything relationships goals should be.

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Writing his post, Smith says, “…Here’s what I’ve learned since. . Love is Like Gardening… I have learned to focus on HELPING you to BLOSSOM into what YOU want to be (into what you were born to be)… Rather than Demanding that you become what my Fragile Ego needs you to be. . I’ve learned to take pleasure in Nourishing YOUR dreams… Rather than wrestling with you to Fulfill my Selfish Needs & Satiate My Insecurities. . I have learned that Love is Listening. Love is Giving. Love is Freedom. . Happy Anniversary, My Queen! I am forever Devoted to Nurturing your Deepest Truth.”

It is refreshing to see a Hollywood couple still so in love after 20 years of marriage. Not only is Will Smith keeping up the comedy standards, but the marriage and love standards as well.