Unicorn Mist: Paris Hilton’s Skincare Must-Have

You probably didn’t even know that Paris Hilton had a cosmetic line and you probably didn’t know that unicorn mist existed. Yet, both are true. The line is simply called “Paris Hilton Cosmetics” and it has everything from eyeliners, eye shadows, lip colors, highlighters to eyelashes. Her most recent product is something different, unicorn mist.

What is unicorn mist? It’s a rosewater spray that is designed to not only refresh but hydrate skin as well in a magical, iridescent package. The spray will be extremely limited, so if it’s a must have pre-order as soon as possible. The former “Simple Life” star made the product its own Instagram page. The bio reads, “A magical blend of pure Rose extracts and soothing aloe made for Paris, available to you!” The link to shop is directly after.

Hilton is doing extremely well for herself. She is an actress, businesswoman, designer, DJ, entrepreneur, model, socialite, singer and television personality. You probably didn’t know that either. Check out unicorn mist and keep your skin glowing and fresh all day like Paris.

Twitter: @ParisHilton
Instagram/Photo: @parishiltonunicornmist, @parishilton