Ed Sheeran Quits Twitter

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You know that little saying, sticks and stones could break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” It turns out not to be true. In the 21st century and our use of media, words do hurt because comments, likes, and shares seem to mean the world to us. Ed Sheeran recently decided not to be active on Twitter unless it was automatic updates from Instagram. He told The Sun. “I go on it and there’s nothing but people saying mean things. One comment ruins your day. But that’s why I’ve come off it.” Ed Sheeran took a step towards self-healing.


There were people calling him a “ginger busker feller” and others tweeting their friends saying, “If that ginger busker can headline Glasto you’ve got a chance next year..” Imagine going on twitter and seeing these tweets when all you are trying to do is do great by the world and make music people could sing to. Words hurt immensely, to the point where Ed Sheeran decided to no longer interact with Twitter.


A challenge for this week, make everything you say positive.

Twitter: @edsheeran

Instagram: @teddysphotos