Lauren Graham Says It’s a Risk to Continue Gilmore Girls

Those final four words may really be the end.

2017-06-11 (6)

Its been six months since Gilmore Girls: A Year In The Life released on Netflix, and as each day passes by, it’s looking more like those final four words are all we’re going to be left with from Stars Hollow.

In a recent interview with Indiewire, Lauren Graham, who plays our favorite TV mom, Lorelai Gilmore, tells us exactly what she thinks about her previous suggestion that it might be best to quit the show before they start disappointing their fans. “Just as an experience, [the revival] was kind of perfect. I always said, while we were doing it, that I couldn’t see more episodes in that form. Five years from now do you have ‘A Very Gilmore Christmas?’ Maybe, but there’s no reason anymore except enjoyment. And, actually, I think there’s far more risk to continue – you run the risk of disappointing people,” Graham said in the interview.

She makes a great point, since many fans weren’t very thrilled on how Rory’s life turned out.

As of right now, there’s been so much conflict with the possibility of another season, that it basically lets fans choose their own adventures with the characters.

If you’re like most of us that don’t want the adventures of Lorelai and Rory to end, focus on the fact the Graham never said that another season wasn’t going to happen, and Netflix has expressed an interest in a second run of the series.

Till then just grab a cup of coffee and watch re-runs of your favorite mother/daughter now on Netflix.

Instagram/Photo: @netflix