Male Body Shaming is a Thing… And It’s a Problem

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Sam Claflin acknowledges male body shaming present in the media. Although  mass media usually body shames women, we often do not acknowledge that men experience this as well. Men are sensitive and they too are insecure. Sam Claflin speaks out about body shaming and his experience with “My Cousin Rachel.”  He notes that males are consistently body shamed, but specifically in summer and in action movies. Society often neglects or ignores these feelings because they are considered not “manly enough.”

Sam Claflin is one of the few men who have stepped out and acknowledged body shaming and the issues of insecurity that he faces, which many men may relate to. As a man, the world expects you to be strong, have abs, be happy all the time and be a hero, and  these stereotypes are not always fair. A person should be comfortable in which ever body they have and they should not be made to feel “less manly” because of it.

I commend Sam Claflin for being brave and helping to bring awareness to body shaming that men endure regularly.

Twitter: @samclaflin

Instagram: @mrsamclaflin