Highlight Like A Pro With Tarte Cosmetics

tarteYour cheekbones will never shine brighter! The Skin Twinkle Highlighter from Tarte Cosmetics delivers the perfect shine without going over the top. Its 3 different hues create different shimmers ranging from warm to neutral. You’ll be surprised by how much a quality highlighter can really make a difference in your beautiful face!

Instagram: @TarteCosmetics

Twitter: @TarteCosmetics

Photo: Tarte Cosmetics / Instagram

Official Celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign© Video for Glitter Magazine

Glitter’s Celebrity #SelfLoveCampaign© promotes self-esteem and body image and has gone viral with over 100 MILLION impressions. Glitter started the #SelfLoveCampaign© with 100’s of our celebrity friends in February 2015 and self-empowerment is now on trend.

