Interview with Katie Austin

You might recognize Katie’s name as her mom, Denise, is fitness guru, Denise Austin. But did you know that Katie is also a fitness expert? She has released her first ebook on fitness geared towards teen and college girls called Love Your Body: Love Your Life The book released on June 30, 2015 and can be ordered at  Katie gives teens and college girls a 28 day plan to get fit!  It also includes recipes, workouts, and inspirational tips!  Katie talks to Glitter about her new book, how you can get started working out, some healthy alternatives for eating at school, her favorite clean food, her top motivational tips, and the 80/20 rule. Read on to find out more inspiring tips from Katie! 


GLITTER: How do I even get started working out?

KATIE: The first thing to do is have a plan! It’s hard to become motivated without a set plan or goals. Start with how much weight do you want to lose (if any) or do you just want to tone up.  That is the first step and then get a picture of a celeb or someone that you really like the way they look and put it on your mirror every day for motivation.  When picking a picture, pick someone realistic to your body shape. If you’re shaped like J-Lo putting a picture of Taylor Swift up, won’t be a realistic goal.  Know your body, that is the first step!


GLITTER: Tell us about your new book. 

KATIE: My new Ebook is Love Your Body, Love Your Life: 28 Days to a More Beautiful You at . In my  book I help my peers with an easy 28 day plan to fitness.  I specifically wrote this book with teen and college girls in mind because there is no one in the fitness arena our age.  We are still growing and maturing and are metabolisms are much different and I thought it was important for younger girls to have a fitness expert closer to their age who really understands what they are going through.


GLITTER: I’m not comfortable going to the gym how do I change that?

KATIE: This is actually an issue that a lot of girls face, so don’t feel alone! I 100% felt uncomfortable going to the gym at first by myself. I brought a gym buddy the first couple times I went, so I could ease into it. My second tip is to listen to music. Put your headphones in, and block out the rest of the world. My third tip is to know what you’re doing before you go to the gym. Know what machines you are using, how many sets and reps, and just get it done without hesitation.  It is always important to ask a trained professional that works at the gym the proper way to use any machine to avoid injury.  Most gyms offer 1 or 2 free training sessions, so always take them up on that offer!  If you really aren’t comfortable in the gym the alternatives are to work out at home or get outside and enjoy the weather!  You can go on hikes, runs, walks, bike rides, skating, play softball or basketball, the options are endless!  There are also parks specifically designed with outdoor gym equipment, check around your area and see if you have one.  These are a lot of fun and people of all ages are out there getting fit, so it is also a motivator that anyone, at any time in their lives can Love Their Body & Love Their Life!


GLITTER: I’m working out, why I am not changing?

KATIE: A huge part of changing your body is the way you are eating. If you are not seeing a difference in your body, you may need to eat more fruits and veggies!! Also, a lot of girls I know do not see a difference in their bodies when they work out because of the way they workout. They go to the gym and ride the elliptical for 2 hours. For me, this would never work- one because I don’t have time, and two because I wouldn’t feel like I am getting much out of it. Make sure you are working out smart and effectively. It’s all about quality of the workout, not quantity, meaning a 30-minute workout could be wayyyy more effective than a 2-hour workout. Be sure to add into your workouts a mixture of cardio and weights (light weights for sculpting).


GLITTER: What are some healthy alternatives to eat on campus or at school?

KATIE: Pack your own meals! I love meal preps. I usually cook most of my food on Sundays when I have the most time, save it in the refrigerator, and pack it in some to-go containers. I cut up fruit, put it Ziploc bags, and bring it anywhere! If you aren’t a cook or even comfortable in the kitchen, there are quick snacks you can buy that will be effective.  For instance it is important to never go into starvation mode, so after you have a healthy breakfast, which could be anything from egg whites and turkey, or oatmeal (no sugar or butter) and a half of grapefruit, etc always remember to snack at least 2 to 3 hours after each one of your three main meals, it can be as easy as a half of balance bar or 10 unsalted almonds or some non-fat greek yogurt.  Read labels and calorie count.  There are great apps you can download that will help you track what you are eating.


GLITTER: What are some of your favorite clean foods to you?

KATIE: My favorite foods are eggplant, cauliflower, quinoa, onion, asparagus, chicken, eggs, and of course, avocado. Those foods are like my staples to everything.


GLITTER: What’s it like to follow in your mom’s footsteps? We love her DVDs BTW! Denise is such an inspiration!

KATIE: It’s awesome!! Some people say to me, “oh my, big shoes to fill, that pressure must be crazy!” But, I actually don’t see it that way. Of course, yes, they are huge shoes to fill, but I see it as the best opportunity for me. She teaches me EVERYTHING. I’m so blessed to have a mom who is such a legend in the fitness world I am entering.


GLITTER: What is your favorite go-to snack?

KATIE: Kale chips!!! SO easy and SO tasty! All you do is lay out some kale on a cookie sheet, sprinkle with olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and touch of red pepper flakes. Put it in the oven on 400 degrees for about 7 minutes. Amazing.


GLITTER: Favorite dinner that you can make with five ingredients or less?

KATIE: Chicken, brown rice and broccoli. Grill the chicken, boil the rice, boil the broccoli, and mix it all in a stir fry with olive oil and pepper. BAM. Five ingredients.


GLITTER: How can you make your cravings healthier cravings?

KATIE: There are so many alternatives to your unhealthy cravings. For example, if you’re craving salty and crunchy potato chips, eat organic homemade popcorn! (I buy kernels and heat them in coconut oil) If you’re craving ice cream, make yourself some frozen and blended banana (which is creamy and delicious)!  Switch out your chocolates to dark chocolate.


GLITTER: What does it mean to be body positive?

KATIE: Being body positive is to have no negative thoughts not only about your body, but about others’ bodies. It is realizing that you do not need anyone else’s outside validation to tell you how beautiful you are.


GLITTER: What are your top five motivation tips?

KATIE: 1. Just put on your workout gear! One of the hardest parts about going to work out is getting going and getting in the mindset. Putting on your sports bra and tennis shoes is the first step to getting you to go workout, and can help you get in that mindset! 2. Listen to pump up music!! Listen to a song that gets you in the mood to be the best you can be. 3. Grab a buddy. It can be a lot easier when you have a planned set time to work out with someone, because in that case, it’s harder to cancel your workout session! 4. Look at some inspirational quotes. I LOVE motivational quotes and sayings. They always get me going. 5. Have your workout planned before you start, and set the goal of what you want to accomplish that day. For example, before you start working out set a goal that is realistic to your previous workouts. Maybe it could be something like, “today’s goal is to do 10 pushups in a row without giving up.”


GLITTER: What does getting fit mean to you?

KATIE: Get fit, v. – to become happy with yourself and to love your body.

While getting “fit” does mean getting you fit physically, it’s also about your mentality! It’s all about feeling good (feeling “fit”) in the skin you’re in.


GLITTER: What is the 80/20 rule?

KATIE: The 80/20 rule is something I learned from my mom, which means eat really well 80% of the time, and enjoy your treats 20% of the time. This is the key to moderation in your life!! If you force yourself to eat clean 100% of the time, and cut out the foods you really enjoy, then it could lead to binge eating, or making yourself go crazy!! I believe you can still enjoy treats and junk food every once in a while and still be healthy. We are all human!!


GLITTER: Who inspires you?

KATIE: My mom, Denise Austin, inspires me so much. She had her own fitness television show for 24 years, and I have looked up to that ever since I was born. I credit her for the reason why I am in the fitness industry now. She has taught me the most incredible things- but what most inspires me about her is her positivity. A positive attitude is key for a happy fitness journey.


 GLITTER: How can fans follow you?

KATIE: You can follow me on Instagram @Katie.Austin, on twitter @getfitwkatie, on snapchat @getfitwithkatie, and on my website at!!


GLITTER: What is your definition of self-love?

KATIE: It’s not only accepting who you are, but being genuinely happy with who you are, on the inside and out. It includes loving your flaws because they make you different. Self-love is realizing that there is no one else in the world just like you, and your uniqueness is your power. Show your body you love it by eating right and working out!! (Working out also gives you endorphins which will make you happier, and then create more self-love! 🙂 )





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