Arden Cho from MTV’s Teen Wolf Joins the #SelfLove Campaign©

Arden Cho from MTV’s Teen Wolf,  joins in for our #SelfLove Campaign©! To see what you can do to be a part, CLICK here: #SELFLOVE


“Being in an industry that’s always scrutinizing your every flaw can be pretty discouraging at times. Especially when the standards of beauty are so unrealistic and unforgiving. Therefore, sometimes it’s tough, almost impossible, to remember my own self-worth. However, for me it’s all about knowing and accepting that I am perfect the way God made me, imperfections and all. My worth is found in God and not how people see me or value my worth. I mean, we are all insecure in our own way, I just think its important to go beyond conventional value systems we place on people and to find what we truly love to do and to pursue what makes us happy.” ~ Arden Cho from MTV’s Teen Wolf