Glitter girls, you have pressing questions for your favorite authors and we have their answers. Welcome to our new weekly segment, Author Crush Fridays.



We love asking questions and we love the answers from some of our favorite authors. Today we’re talking to Chloe Jacobs, author of Greta and the Glass Kingdom (February 9, 2015; Entangled Teen). Thank you for talking to us today, Chloe! We’re honored!

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GLITTER: For those who haven’t read your work yet, how would you describe your writing style?  

CHLOE: My writing tends to be character-driven and angsty. I don’t have a light, sweet voice – which is probably perfect for Greta and the world in which she lives.

GLITTER: What one message would you like readers to walk away with when they’re done reading Greta and the Glass Kingdom?

CHLOE: I would love for readers to connect with Greta’s strength and determination, and realize that even though she lives in a fantasy world that’s very different from ours, her struggles are the same: to find a place where she fits in, to find people who will accept her for who she is, to do what’s right … Everyone can find the strength they need to overcome the difficult challenges in our lives. The key is to believe you can, and never give up.

GLITTER: We loved Greta and the Goblin King and were so happy to hear a new book was coming out. What was it like to pick back up where you left off?

CHLOE: Greta and the Glass Kingdom was in the works as soon as book 1 had been completed. However, there were some glitches and it was admittedly a tough book to write. In the end, the finished product is exactly the story that needed to be told. I’m so happy with it, and I love where we’re going to go in book 3.

GLITTER: Describe Greta and the Glass Kingdom in 160 characters or less.

CHLOE: This story continues the action and bold fairy tale twists of book one, but also presents deeper and more personal challenges for every one of the characters.

GLITTER: Did you always want to be an author? Did you ever feel like giving up? Did you receive rejection letters in the beginning? How did you get over them?

CHLOE: Yes! I’ve always been a writer. When I was in high school I wrote short stories and entered local contests (I did pretty well, too *grin*) and once I got into university I started writing some poetry, but I studied history and law, and once I got my degree I went to work and the writing fell to the wayside for a while even though the story ideas were piling up on top of one another. It wasn’t until after I was married and my son had been born that I started to write all those stories down, and then I just couldn’t stop again.

GLITTER: What is one thing your fans might not know about you?

CHLOE: I also love to work with stained glass. I haven’t done much of it for a while because I’ve been so busy, but I make a lot of glass Christmas ornaments, and some stained glass windows and stuff. I find it calming and therapeutic so whenever I need to relax, I head out to the garage and turn the music up really loud and stay there with the soldering iron for a couple hours J

GLITTER: What are you currently working on?

CHLOE: Right now I’m writing Greta 3 (of course!) but I’ve also just prepared a new super sekret proposal that my agent is reviewing, and I can’t wait to see where we might go with it!

Thank you SO much for letting me come by to chat today! I had a great time with these questions.


chloe jacobs

Chloe Jacobs is a native of nowhere and everywhere, having jumped around to practically every Province of Canada before finally settling in Ontario where she has now been living for a respectable number of years. Her husband and son are the two best people in the entire world, but they also make her wish she’d at least gotten a female cat. No such luck. And although the day job keeps her busy, she carves out as much time as possible to write. Bringing new characters to life and finding out what makes them tick and how badly she can make them suffer is one of her greatest pleasures, almost better than chocolate and fuzzy pink bunny slippers.

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