Kelli Berglund’s Q&A with Glitter Magazine

Kelli Berglund, who plays Bree on Disney XD’s Lab Rats, talks to us about best back to school advice she’s ever received and what trends she’ll be rocking this fall.

GLITTER: What trends will you be rocking this fall?

KELLI: I will definitely be sporting tons of faux leather! I’m also really loving army print and dark burgundy so I’ll be rocking that for sure.

GLITTER: What is the best back to school advice you ever received?

KELLI: Plan your first day of school outfit the night before! Oh, and dedicating time to study for tests really does pay off in the end. That goes for the entire school year!

GLITTER: What’s your advice for fitting in at a new school?

KELLI: It’s always a challenge trying to adjust to a new school, no doubt. I’ve had to do that several times! My advice is to just be friendly and try to engage with people who can help you out! Whether it’s figuring out where your classes are or what time the bell rings, just be calm, cool, and collected. And hopefully, someone will be nice enough lend you a helping hand.

GLITTER: What has been one of your best school experiences?

KELLI: Back in 10th grade, I was accepted onto the Varsity Dance Team. I was ecstatic for not only myself, but for some of my best friends who made the team too! It was so surreal when I received my official Dance Team jersey, and learned the first dance we would all be performing at the Friday night football game. I’ve never been surrounded by such loving and supportive people, and being on the team only made school that much better.